It's also really nice right now because there are fewer people around because it is summer. Things don't feel as stressful and crazy as they do during the normal school year. It's like I finally have a chance to enjoy the experience.
I was someone who romanticized university life before I ever experienced it and I had a lot of hopes for it. I must say it has only gotten better as time has gone on. At first, I didn't know what I was doing and couldn't understand how to do well in university. I haven't mastered it yet but I'm getting better. I'd say the only things university is missing for me are some friends and maybe a boyfriend. Those two things were included in my university expectations and although they haven't happened for me yet, I still have hope that they will. I have three more years so, at the very least, I think I can make one friend in that time.
I actually have a part-time job right now so I think having that experience of working just makes me appreciate my university life even more. I like my job, but it can be stressful since it requires a lot of interacting with people which exhausts me. In university, I can choose whether or not I want to be social which is something I cherish. I want to make friends, but sometimes I just want to be alone and do my own thing. At my work, all the people I work with are really nice so it's a good atmosphere to be in. Despite how nice it is, I know it's not the sort of job I could keep up long term because I need something where I can be antisocial at times. I will admit having money is nice and I do feel more grown up now that I'm working. University is still the best place for me though.