Wednesday, June 7, 2017

My Inspiration

I went to see Wonder Woman recently mainly just because I like superhero movies. I definitely didn't expect it to have such a big effect on me. My favourite superhero was Spiderman because of his quick wit and relatability but I don't think I can say that anymore. After watching Wonder Woman I don't think I can ever call anyone but her my favourite superhero.

The beginning of the movie started with introducing the Amazons and young Diana. There were no men seen for about the first 30 mins of the movie. I felt a rush of emotions come over me that I at first brushed off thinking my hormones were out of whack or something. As the movie continued I realized that those emotions were not just hormones. I felt an overwhelming rush of emotions because I was seeing a female superhero being strong on her own for the very first time.

I have seen females in superhero movies before but every time they are either sidekicks or part of a team. I'd never seen the old Wonder Woman movie and to be honest I didn't know much about her. I feel like because she is a female superhero no one really pays attention to her. People will always say that Superman or Batman or Spiderman or whoever is their favourite superhero but I've never heard anyone say that Wonder Woman is their favourite, especially not men. I think Wonder Woman is great regardless of the fact that she is a woman. I think her strength, bravery, integrity, and beliefs are the real reason she is my favourite.

I never really thought about how representation is important to me as a woman. I was always the girl who would pick the female character in any video game even if she was the weakest character. I complained about any game that didn't give me the option to pick a female character, wondering why so many games refused to include them. Even though I complained, I never really thought it was that big of a deal. That was until I watched Wonder Woman which almost brought me to tears multiple times just by watching a strong, independent woman proving to everyone that she was strong despite her feminity. Representation is important, not just for women but for everyone. Everyone should be able to have a role model that they feel represents them. For me, it happens to be Wonder Woman.

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