Many different subjects can be attached to the question of whether or not fantasies are better than real life but being a boring teenage girl I'm not going to be deep and philosophical about it. I'm talking about boys...again. As much as I would like to go into a huge debate on dreams vs reality, that just screws up my mind and leaves me sitting in the corner of my room questioning everything so yeah... I'm sticking with boys.
Being a dreamer of sorts I tend to fantasize a lot about love and relationships. I'm the crazy person that will have a guy say one word to me and then I'll be planning our future life together in my head. Lately, I haven't had the greatest luck in the relationship department and I always find myself enjoying fantasizing about people more than an actual relationship. Sometimes I wonder if pursuing someone is even worth it when the fantasies of us together make me so happy. I mean when you are first talking to someone you just become so happy by the tiniest things and you get sent off into this magical dream world of you two together. I've found that a lot of times trying to change this beginning stage of a relationship into something more tends to just screw things up. Suddenly you can't dream about you two together because you are too busy worrying about the weirdest things.
I mean it's kind of like would you rather fantasize about some celebrity/youtuber who makes you happy or get in a real relationship with a real person you actually know. Obvious one will always go right whereas the other will eventually have problems.
But this doesn't mean that dreams win. Honestly now that I'm thinking about this, I think that reality is the one that truly wins. Yes in real relationships you have fighting, confusion, jealousy, pressure, expectations and such but you also have deep conversations, kissing, hugging, cuddling, holding hands and above all else a real tangible connection with someone. I mean yes those dreams and fantasies are incredible but they are nothing compared to the real dream moments in life. It's like comparing thinking about kissing someone and actually kissing someone; obviously physically kissing them is going to be a million times better even if they bite your tongue by accident or start laughing.
After all that I've come to a conclusion and sidenote I think it was really helpful to write it all out. I recommend anyone who is confused or trying to figure out what to do in a situation to write out all their feelings because it really helps. Going into this I was sure fantasies were going to be better but when I started thinking about the amazing real life moments I knew no fantasy could compete with them.
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