Tuesday, March 10, 2015

People Of The Public

For someone who loves staying at home and generally dislikes people, I have a bit of a strange view on the general public. I don't mind random people talking to me. As I've grown up and started to go to everyday places by myself I've begun to realize this. Say if I'm at the grocery waiting at the checkout and someone else in the check out begins to chat with me I'll happily chat back. Or if a cashier begins to talk with me I'll have a little conversation with them. I enjoy it when people come up and talk to me because, despite the fact that I'm an introvert, I like it when people notice me and talk to me. Although there are limitations to this. I'm fine with women of all ages talking to me, probably because I'm a woman as well and women generally feel 'safe' to me. However, when it comes to men that's where age becomes a factor. I'm generally okay with guys who are around my age and younger talking to me but I'm only okay with older men if they don't give off a creepy vibe. Being a young female I have experienced creepy guys looking at me strangely and I hate it. So if a man comes up to me and he seems creepy to me I won't talk with him, I'll just leave as quickly as I can. But as long as someone doesn't seem creepy or dangerous to me, I'm more than happy to have a conversation with them. I like to feel connected to the rest of the world and it kind of makes me sad how often people in the public just ignore each other. I understand some people are having tough days and just want to be on their own but for those like me who like having conversations with people, it would be nice if we had more courage to just say hello to the people around us or chat when we have something in common. I think it would make the world seem like a friendlier place.

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