Wednesday, July 15, 2015

I'm Thankful For My Mom

It's not mother's day, it's not my mom's birthday, it's just a day where I feel the need to express my gratitude that I got the mom I have. I told my mom about my dream where she yelled at me for wasting her money by going to university instead of college and her response was very reassuring to me. She told me that she's happy I'm going to university and that she doesn't care if university ends up being a waste of money because it's what I want to do. She said that she wants to give me all the opportunities she didn't have when she was my age and even if I fumble or make a mistake it's okay because I'm moving towards my dream and that's all that matters.

My mom is honestly the perfect fit for me. I think I'm quite lucky because a lot of the people I know don't have as good of relationships with their mom as I do with my mom. She can be annoying and overbearing at times but what mom isn't? She knows to give me my space and let me make my own decisions about my life. She understands not to scold me when I act out or get upset because she knows that I just need to get those bad feelings out since I tend to keep them inside for far too long. I'm the type of person who doesn't do well if I feel restrained and I tend to do the opposite of what people tell me to do just to spite them. My mom completely understands my personality and knows how to handle me which makes me thankful for her. She's always there to reassure me and comfort me when I need it. Even if we fight and sometimes I wish I could move out; I'm very happy with her in my life.

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