Wednesday, September 23, 2015

If Only I Had Time to Make Lunch Everyday

Tomorrow is the big first midterm day. Thursdays are quite long for me and now with the midterm, I'm not home until quite late. Normally when it comes to lunch I'll either skip it or buy something depending on how long my day is. However, I'm broke so buying lunch isn't really an option. That's why I decided to make myself a proper lunch.

Making my lunch was a lot of fun. I made some chicken wings that look really good. I also successfully made rolled eggs which hopefully taste good. Anytime I've tried to make them before they have turned into scrambled eggs so I'm quite happy I finally got it right. Along with my proteins, I also cut up some strawberries and pea pods. I presented everything in a lunch box and I was so proud of how good it looked. I'm not sure if making the lunchbox or eating it will be more enjoyable but I definitely enjoyed cooking. I wish I could make myself proper lunches all the time but sadly a lot of my days are too long and I have too much studying to do so there isn't enough time.

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