Friday, September 4, 2015

Textbooks Are Not Easy To Find

A misconception I had about university textbooks was that it would be easy to find them for cheaper prices than the bookstore. You hear all about how great it is to buy used textbooks and how easy it is but it's not. I've been looking online and most of the time I find the books at higher prices than the bookstore. Also, a lot of books now come with digital codes which are necessary for class but guess what? Used books can't guarantee they will have those codes and online stuff that you need.

I feel really bad having expensive books since my grandma offered to pay for them and I don't want to burden her too much. One semester of books when you have a full timetable is like $800 and that's only half of the year! I'm hoping that you can use the same books for both semesters but I have a feeling I'll have to buy all new books for the second semester except for one class I have which is year long. The English books for my second semester are pretty cheap so it'll only be like buying books for three classes instead of five but I'm still hoping the books are good for the whole year since the classes kinda go hand in hand.

My only hope is that I'll be able to sell the books after I'm done using them but since there are always new editions coming out, that seems unlikely. Regardless of how things turn out I still feel bad.

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