Tuesday, September 29, 2015

I'm Overwelmed

I don't know what's wrong with me but I'm so stressed out right now. I don't have a midterm or anything big for another two weeks but for some reason, my condition is terrible right now. I don't feel like going to classes, or labs, or doing my homework, or even leaving my bed. I feel like all I've done for the past month is university work. I haven't had time to have fun because even when I have free time I'm worried about what needs to be done in the future.

I have two more months of classes then a month of finals. I guess since university terms are so short it feels like everything happens quickly. I'm used to having ten months to do all my school work and now I only have four months.

 I also have no idea how I'm doing in any of my classes since you don't find out any grades until you finish your midterms. I know the first year is supposed to be one of the hardest so I'm just trying to make it through. I didn't know I would feel this down. I have to somehow pick myself up and keep going but I have no idea how to find the motivation to do that. Studying at home isn't that bad but actually going to class makes me feel anxious right now, especially labs where I feel like I'm completely on my own. Hopefully, things get better but I'm not doing too well right now.

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