Our relationship started in a way that made it seem impossible for it to go anywhere. I was nineteen years old, fresh out of a relationship, and playing around on Tinder. I stumbled upon a guy from the other side of the country who was in town visiting and we matched. We went out on a date that turned into two dates that turned into constant texting that turned into a long distance relationship. Four months later he came to visit me and five months after that he moved to my town.
A couple of days ago I was waiting at the airport in disbelieve that our long distance relationship was finally ending after nine months apart. Then all of a sudden he walked through the gate and we were reunited.
My anxiety was off the charts the first day we spent together. I was so nervous my body was shaking uncontrollably, my stomach was flipping and flopping, and my body temperature was soaring. I had waited so long to see him then once I finally could my body perceived him as an unknown person. After taking some time apart for me to calm down, I began to feel elated and excited to be around him again. Finally, it felt like our reunition was real.
We have a date tomorrow and I'm so excited I might not be able to sleep tonight. I have my outfit all picked out and my bag packed already. Despite being apart for only a couple of days I miss him a lot and I can't wait to see him again. I'm thrilled we are finally a normal couple who doesn't have to worry about our next parting.
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