Sunday, October 5, 2014

My Mom Ships Us

I know I've been doing a lot of posts lately but I just want to tell this story really quick.
So my mom knows about the guy I'm interested in and she actively wants us to be together. She'll randomly come up with scenarios in which we start dating or something romantic happens between us and a funny situation happened recently of this nature.

I was telling my mom about this issue I had about whether or not I should join a class. I told her that I was worried about catching up and stuff and she didn't really seem to care. She was pretty indecisive and gave me the typical, "It's up to you honey, do it if you want to." However, I then told her that my main worry was that the guy I'm interested in is in the class and as soon as I said that she became interested and told me I definitely had to join that class. It was so funny how quickly my mom's attitude changed once I mentioned him.

If you're curious about the outcome, I am going to join that class and I'm guessing there will be later posts about what happens. Also, I'm not joining the class just to be with him, I've been stressing out lately because I need this course for university so this is just the smart move to make.

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