Thursday, November 13, 2014

Taste of Adulthood

Today my mom dropped me off at school at 8:30 am and since then I've been completely on my own. It's now after dinner and I can say I've had a good taste of what it's like to be an adult living on my own.

I've handled my own transportation, walked my dog, feed my dog, made myself dinner, and done the dishes. I know to normal people those aren't out of the ordinary things to do but they aren't things I'm used to doing. If I compare it to living on my own, school is work, and my dog is my child. Obviously, it's not the same but it's the best prototype I can get.

Although it's been an interesting day, it's kind of lonely at home. I'm not used to being alone all day. It's sort of sad to think one day I'll be living on my own without seeing my family every day but I guess that's growing up.

Here's a photo I took while walking my dog...

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