Wednesday, October 21, 2015

I Don't Know What to Do

I've been in university for two months now and I'm starting to question what I want to do with my life. Currently, I'm not failing any of my classes but I'm not doing that well either. This is the main reason why I've started to second guess my choices. These are the things I've been considering lately.

1. Just continue what I'm doing. I love biology but right now I don't even feel like I'm studying biology since I'm so busy with the other required sciences. My grades are quite low and I'm worried I'm not cut out for sciences and that I won't be able to make it through my required courses. Despite that, I could just persevere and try to find the will to keep going.

2. Transfer to pacific and Asian studies. The only course I'm actually enjoying right now is my modern Japanese culture class. Although I don't have any of the required classes I'd need for this program, I could switch into it since it's something I find interesting. If I go this route I'd probably end up being an English teacher in Japan.

3. Transfer to writing. Writing has always been a passion of mine. Ever since I was in grade seven I did as much writing as I could and even before I was serious about it, I liked to write little books when I was a child. Even now I haven't really given up on becoming an author one day. If I chose to do this I'd have to transfer programs and I would have pretty much wasted an entire semester since none of the courses transfer.

4. Quit university and go to college to become a nurse/dental hygienist/something along those lines. Maybe the problem is that university is too intensive. I see my friends doing well in college maybe that's something I'm more suited towards. Since I used to want to be a doctor maybe being a nurse would suit me or I could be a dental hygienist since I've always liked teeth.

5. Quit school altogether and get a job. Here I could give up completely and just find an entry level job somewhere probably as a secretary or sales associate. If I did this I would probably feel less stuck in life since I would feel like I was actually doing something because I was working and getting paid although it's highly likely I would regret this choice later on.

Honestly what I really want to do is number one but the problem isn't what I want to do, it's what I'm capable of doing. Right now I just feel like such a failure since I can't even get a good mark in biology which is what I'm supposed to be studying. I kinda planned to just get by with chemistry and physics but the fact that I can't even do well in biology is unnerving. I wish I had some motivation to do something, anything. I just feel so stuck and no matter how much I tell myself I should be studying I just can't find the will to do it.

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