Thursday, November 5, 2015

Why I Choose My Major

It may seem a little weird for someone who is naturally good at English to pursue a degree in science. I, myself, question a lot why I chose to do what I'm doing now. However, there is a big reason why I decided to go down this path.

Throughout high school, I was quite bored. I felt buckled down since many of my classes I was forced to take. The class I was best at was English, however, my favorite class was always science, or biology when the sciences split up. Despite the fact that I could get high marks and receive praise for my English assignments I never put much effort into them and I honestly didn't care about the subject. Although I love writing, the thought of going to English class everyday numbed my brain.

Science, on the other hand, wasn't something that came naturally to me. I had to actually be engaged and work on it in order to understand. I became fascinated by all the diverse areas and I liked learning about why things did what they did. Biology was my key interest. Although many people took biology in high school because it was easier than chemistry or physics, I took it because I wanted to. To me, there was no better class at my high school than biology. I even took marine biology; it was a fun, interactive course but it made me realize I was unsuited towards it so now I'm probably going to pursue a human related field.

When it was time for me to decide what I wanted to study when I went to university I didn't even question my choice. Although I was undecided until my last year of high school, once I made the choice I was certain The reason why was that to me there was nothing left to learn in English. I could probably get through an English degree quite easily but it didn't seem worth it to me. I chose science because there are so many things I don't know about science. There are so many things I don't think I would be able to learn about if I didn't choose it as my area of study. I can always read books and improve my writing on my own but when would I get an opportunity to learn advanced science concepts? That's why, even though it's quite tough for me, I'm glad I choose sciences. The workload may be hard but I think it will lead me towards a place I want to be.

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