Thursday, May 22, 2014

Crepe Failure

I've been seeing dessert crepes around a lot lately and they always look amazing so I tried to make my own, probably not the best idea... I found a recipe online and was able to change it so instead of making eight crepes, it would make two. Making the batter went well so I started to cook it. I poured a bit too much batter in the pan and by a bit I mean instead of making two crepes I made one...

Despite how thick it was, it turned out okay and actually sort of looked like a crepe. While taking it out of the pan I accidentally split it in half. I decided to ignore this and without much thought, I covered one side in whipped cream and strawberries then placed the other side on top. It looked pretty good until I took it back to my room and tried to eat it. Since it was still hot the whipped cream was melting all over the place and since it was split in half, stuff was oozing out from all sides. In an attempt to save my crepe, I split the filling between the two halves and folded them up like I should have in the beginning. I ate it quickly while trying not to lose too many strawberries. Despite my kitchen failure, it by some miracle ended up tasting really good, it was just extremely messy.

This obviously isn't my crepe but it's what I wanted to make.
It looks so good! I want to make another! Sorry if this makes you hungry :P

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