Sunday, January 25, 2015

I'm Sick

I woke up Friday morning feeling sick. I had no previous feelings of sickness before Friday and I don't remember being around anyone who was sick so it was strange. Progressively through the weekend, I got sick and sicker. At first, it was just a mildly annoying cold which turned into the cold from hell.

It began as a sort of sore throat which over the course of two days turned into a sore throat, cough, runny nose, stuffed nose, headache, and a fever. I generally have a pretty good immune system and when I do get sick it's usually just a sore throat. I think the last time I was sick like this was when I was six years old. I'm feeling okay right now even though I feel more like a big ball of mucus than I do a human. Although I tend to feel the worst in the mornings and at night so it's probably just going to get worse than this. Yea for being sick!

*chibird always cheers me up :)

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