Thursday, June 18, 2015


Since it's exam week I've been non-stop worrying and studying. I'm currently half way through my exams with my hardest one happening today. My worries aren't so much about not graduating or not getting into university because my class marks are high enough that even if I were to fail all my exams I would still graduate and get into university. My worry has been keeping my average high enough that I still get a scholarship from my university.

I've been stressing a lot because my chemistry marks aren't so great. I also had no idea what my biology marks were so I had to make it up when I was trying to calculate the minimum I needed to keep my scholarship. I just got a response back from my biology teacher about my mark and I'm so happy. Turns out my mark is way higher than I estimated it to be so now it doesn't even matter if I completely fail my chemistry exam (which I will since I've learnt nothing all year) because my other marks are now high enough to take the impact and not have a big effect on my final grades overall. My day has totally been made. I don't really want the embarrassment of failing an exam so I'd like to at least pass the chem exam but I'm happy to know that even if I can't do that, everything will be okay.

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