Tuesday, September 29, 2015

I'm Overwelmed

I don't know what's wrong with me but I'm so stressed out right now. I don't have a midterm or anything big for another two weeks but for some reason, my condition is terrible right now. I don't feel like going to classes, or labs, or doing my homework, or even leaving my bed. I feel like all I've done for the past month is university work. I haven't had time to have fun because even when I have free time I'm worried about what needs to be done in the future.

I have two more months of classes then a month of finals. I guess since university terms are so short it feels like everything happens quickly. I'm used to having ten months to do all my school work and now I only have four months.

 I also have no idea how I'm doing in any of my classes since you don't find out any grades until you finish your midterms. I know the first year is supposed to be one of the hardest so I'm just trying to make it through. I didn't know I would feel this down. I have to somehow pick myself up and keep going but I have no idea how to find the motivation to do that. Studying at home isn't that bad but actually going to class makes me feel anxious right now, especially labs where I feel like I'm completely on my own. Hopefully, things get better but I'm not doing too well right now.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

If Only I Had Time to Make Lunch Everyday

Tomorrow is the big first midterm day. Thursdays are quite long for me and now with the midterm, I'm not home until quite late. Normally when it comes to lunch I'll either skip it or buy something depending on how long my day is. However, I'm broke so buying lunch isn't really an option. That's why I decided to make myself a proper lunch.

Making my lunch was a lot of fun. I made some chicken wings that look really good. I also successfully made rolled eggs which hopefully taste good. Anytime I've tried to make them before they have turned into scrambled eggs so I'm quite happy I finally got it right. Along with my proteins, I also cut up some strawberries and pea pods. I presented everything in a lunch box and I was so proud of how good it looked. I'm not sure if making the lunchbox or eating it will be more enjoyable but I definitely enjoyed cooking. I wish I could make myself proper lunches all the time but sadly a lot of my days are too long and I have too much studying to do so there isn't enough time.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Lesson Learnt: Studying

It's been almost four months since I've had to study something and I kinda forgot how to do it.  I didn't expect to have to study so hard so soon. I have a math midterm in a couple of days and I guess I forgot how much time actual studying takes because I didn't leave myself enough time to study. I've been doing my homework since classes started so I'm not in too bad of shape but I'm still kinda worried that I don't have enough time to go through all the material.

Currently, I'm 1/4 of the way through my material. My test is in two days. I'm hoping to get half way through by the time I go to bed tonight but it's already getting late so I might just have to go super hardcore on the studying tomorrow. Of course, I have more classes than just math so I have to keep up with my other course work as well.

I've learned my lesson. Studying is hard and university requires a lot of studying. Please let me do well on my first university test!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Why I Love Online Shopping

Why I Don't Like Shopping in Stores

1. Their organization makes no sense. It's not organized by price or colour or type or brand or style, it's just laid out in a way that looks nice. I find that it's impossible to find anything because I have no idea where to look (Exceptions would be stores like Winners or Marshalls which are actually organized properly and easy to shop in).
2. The sales people stress me out. I don't like it when people come up to me and ask me if I need help or interrupt me every two seconds talking about their sales. If I need something I will ask someone and there are always signs all over the stores advertising sales so there's no need to bug me about that either.
3. The other shoppers make me anxious. I'm not good in crowds and I don't like feeling stuck in one place. It seems to be that whenever I'm looking at a rack of clothes there's always someone who comes right beside me and starts looking at the same stuff I am. Then I can't focus on looking at the stuff because I'm too worried about being in that person's way so I end up just moving away. If someone is looking at something I like I'll just go look at something else and wait until they left. It makes shopping turn into a strategy game instead of an enjoyable experience.
4. It's expensive. In stores, it seems like all the pretty, stylish looking stuff is always really expensive. The sales aren't that great either. It seems to be whenever I shop in stores I spend like $100 just on one outfit, and that's at cheap stores.

Why I Like Shopping Online

1. Everything is easy to find. You can look at things by price, colour, type, brand, or style. The layout of most sites is really nice and easy to navigate making it simple to find what you want.
2. There's no limit to your shopping experience. You can buy things from your town, you can buy things from across the country, or you can buy things in a completely different country. You aren't just stuck with what the stores in town are selling you can buy things from anywhere in the world.
3. Sales are amazing. As long as free shipping is available, there's no reason to think that online shopping is more expensive. In fact, I've found way better deals online than I've ever seen in stores. Recently I got $90 worth of clothes for only $60! I saved so much money and got so many cute things.
4. No people. Let's be honest we are becoming more and more of a reclusive society. Everything can be done through our phones or computers these days so there's no need to interact with anyone. People can have just about anything delivered to their house and they don't even have to get off the couch. In response, online shopping has become a huge thing because it's so easy to order something online instead of having to drive all the way to the store and searching through all the merchandise, most of the time not even being able to find something you like.
5. Prolongs the shopping experience. In stores, it's find something, pay for it, have it. But with online shopping, each thing is kinda independent. You can look at stuff one day, buy it another day, and receive it later. You get the fun of looking, buying, and waiting. Plus it's fun coming home to a box of stuff you ordered online. It's kinda like Christmas being able to unwrap everything and see how it all looks.

There are pros to shopping in stores and there are cons to shopping online but in my personal opinion, I'd take online shopping over in-store shopping any day. Mainly just because it's always a really fun and enjoyable experience. Plus everything I've ordered has turned out great, well except for a pair of really cute shoes that didn't fit but buying shoes online is quite tricky plus I got my money back so it worked out. So yeah online shopping is my newest obsession.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Tips For Buying Textbooks

Today I went to buy my textbooks so I've decided to write out a couple of tips based on my experience.

1. Timing. Honestly, it doesn't really matter when you buy your textbooks but there are a few things to be aware of. If you wait until after classes start (like me) you'll be completely sure you're getting the right books but the lines will be obnoxiously long. If you buy them before classes start you won't have to worry about waiting in a long line but there is always a chance that the teacher has changed the required books so be aware of that as well.

2. Bring a friend. It doesn't have to be a friend, it could be a family member, or pretty much anyone you can convince to come with you. I had four classes I needed to buy textbooks for and I take sciences so I have a lot of heavy textbooks. I'm sure I looked pathetic carrying all those books by myself today and I know it would have been a million times easier if I brought someone along to help me. Lesson learnt, textbooks are heavy and hard to carry; especially when you are like me and have no upper body strength.

3. Be aware of money. Everyone knows textbooks are expensive so make sure you have enough money. The problem I came across was that although I had enough money in my account my card had a limit that stopped me from being able to buy everything I needed. I got my limit increased so now I'll be able to go back and buy what I couldn't today. Before you go to make a big purchase know if your card has a limit and if it does make sure the limit is big enough that you can buy what you need to.

Overall things went pretty well. Everything was easy to find and the cashiers were nice. I'll be going back tomorrow though to get the stuff I couldn't today. Situations like today really make me understand how useless I am when it comes to adult matters but I'm learning so it's okay.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

So Tired

I got back from my orientation about three hours ago and I haven't left my bed since I got home. All day I was walking around, talking to people, and listening to speeches that went on for hours. I'm not sure if it was the walking that tired me out or all the people since I'm quite introverted. I was happy that we were all put into groups because I didn't have to worry about finding people to hang out with and I could just stick with my group. Throughout the day I met some nice people: the girl who I found the orientation with and hung out with until it started, the girl who I sat next to during the speeches who's in biology, the friendly guy who is also doing biology, and a couple of more girls from my faculty. I'm not sure if I'll see any of them again but I'm sure I'll meet more nice people in my classes. Overall it was nothing to stress out about and a great day. I'm a little worried about tomorrow since I have a two hour break between my classes with nothing to do and no one to hang out with but I'm sure it'll be okay.

My New Beginning

Today marks the first day of my new life. No longer am I a high school student, now I'm a university student. For the first time ever I'm completely responsible for myself. I may still live at home but I plan on doing as many things on my own as possible.

At first, it's going to be lonely. I'll feel overwhelmed and maybe I'll even regret my choices a little bit. The transition will be hard and I know that. However, it's just the beginning and I know I'll adjust. Soon university won't be so scary, I'll just be a place I go every day, just another school. Although I've spent the last few weeks being stressed out and nervous now I'm ready to let myself feel excited. I can't believe I'm lucky enough to go to university. It still shocks me that I'm old enough as well. I just feel like I'm starting to understand myself and now I'm doing this big adult thing. As much as I'm scared I'm also really happy to be able to do this.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Textbooks Are Not Easy To Find

A misconception I had about university textbooks was that it would be easy to find them for cheaper prices than the bookstore. You hear all about how great it is to buy used textbooks and how easy it is but it's not. I've been looking online and most of the time I find the books at higher prices than the bookstore. Also, a lot of books now come with digital codes which are necessary for class but guess what? Used books can't guarantee they will have those codes and online stuff that you need.

I feel really bad having expensive books since my grandma offered to pay for them and I don't want to burden her too much. One semester of books when you have a full timetable is like $800 and that's only half of the year! I'm hoping that you can use the same books for both semesters but I have a feeling I'll have to buy all new books for the second semester except for one class I have which is year long. The English books for my second semester are pretty cheap so it'll only be like buying books for three classes instead of five but I'm still hoping the books are good for the whole year since the classes kinda go hand in hand.

My only hope is that I'll be able to sell the books after I'm done using them but since there are always new editions coming out, that seems unlikely. Regardless of how things turn out I still feel bad.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

One Week Left

I'm currently searching for as much information as I can on starting university. I'm reading about how to study well, how to dress properly, how to make friends, and basically any university related article I can find. You could say I'm a little nervous.

I have no idea where my summer went but it seems it's pretty much over. The summer weather is already gone and soon my freedom will be gone as well.

I don't know if I'm excited or scared for next week. I keep worrying about every little thing. What should I wear? Where should I sit? Where are the bathrooms? Where do I eat? What do I bring on my first day? When does the homework start? What are the people like? Are the classrooms really as big as you see on tv? When do I buy books? How long does it take them to come if you order them online? What are the lab rooms like?

Okay, I'll be honest I'm completely freaking out. I wish I knew someone who had gone to university or someone currently in university to help ease my mind. Sadly my family members don't have experience and I don't know anyone older than me. It seems like I'm just going to have to stress out for a while until I settle into university life. I'm so nervous!